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CD43 (Ly-48) MicroBeads, mouse

CD43 (Ly-48) MicroBeads were developed for the isolation of untouched resting B cells (B-2 cells) from peripheral lymphoid tissues or late B cell progenitors from bone marrow.

The CD43 antigen is expressed on nearly all leukocytes except immature and mature resting B cells.

Detailed separation procedure

By using CD43 MicroBeads, all CD43-expressing cells are magnetically labeled, whereas the resting B cell subset stays untouched and is collected in the column effluent.

Downstream applications

Resting B cells isolated with CD43 MicroBeads have been used for various studies on B cell differentiation and related molecular processes. Resting B cells isolated from spleen were used for 
in vitro
 analyses on antibody class switching.
They were separated for comparative analysis on B cell receptor signal transduction in wild type and immunodeficient mice
 or were used as starting material for studies on germinal center formation.


For positive selection: MS, LS, XS, or autoMACS
 Columns. For depletion: LD, D, or autoMACS Columns.