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CD56 MicroBeads, human - lyophilized

CD56 MicroBeads were developed for the positive selection or depletion of natural killer (NK) cells from human PBMCs or single-cell suspensions from tissues. The CD56 antigen is expressed by most NK cells and a minor T cell subset (CD3+
CD56+ NKT cells). Upon activation of NK cells, the surface expression of CD56 is increased.



CD56 MicroBeads were developed for the positive selection or depletion of natural killer (NK) cells from human PBMCs or single-cell suspensions from tissues. The CD56 antigen is expressed by most NK cells and a minor T cell subset (CD3
 NKT cells). Upon activation of NK cells, the surface expression of CD56 is increased.

Detailed product information

Downstream applications

 cells are used in studies on NK cell development, proliferation, or cytotoxic activity as well as in analysis of signal transduction and related molecular processes
CD56 may also be used for the enrichment of embryonic stem cell–derived cardiomyocytes cells after 
in vitro
 as well as the direct selection stem and progenitor cells from muscle tissue


For positive selection: MS, LS, XS, or autoMACS
 Columns. For depletion: LD, D, or autoMACS Columns.