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CD45RO MicroBeads, human

CD45RO MicroBeads were developed for positive selection or depletion of lymphocyte subsets from human PBMCs.

CD45RO is expressed on CD4
 and CD8
 T memory cells as well as on CD4
 effector T cells. CD45RO is also expressed on monocytes, macrophages, and granulocytes. The CD45RO antibody recognizes a 180 kDa isoform of the leukocyte common antigen (LCA).
CD45RO MicroBeads can be used for positive selection or depletion of CD45RO
 cells. For isolation of CD45RO
 T cell subsets, the CD45RO MicroBeads can be combined with CD4 and CD8 MACS® T Cell Isolation Kits
 or MultiSort Kits
. The CD45RO MicroBeads can also be used to isolate CD45RA
 cells from pre-sorted CD4
 or CD8
 T cells by depletion of CD45RO

Downstream applications

Cells isolated with CD45RO MicroBeads can be used for various studies, such as cytokine expression
 or receptor signaling.


For positive selection: MS, LS, XS, or autoMACS
 Columns. For depletion: LD, D, or autoMACS Columns.