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Recombinant antibody
CD83-Biotin, mouse


Clone REA304 recognizes the mouse CD83 antigen, a Single-pass type I membrane protein which belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily. Murine CD83 is moderately expressed on resting T cells and DC, but strongly increases in its expression on T cells following activation with antigenic peptides or T cell receptor-specific monoclonal antibody. When returning to the resting state, T cells down-regulate CD83 again. Histological analysis of serial spleen sections revealed a CD83 expression pattern resembling that of MIDC-8, a known murine DC marker molecule.
Additional information: Clone REA304 displays negligible binding to Fc receptors.

Alternative names

B-cell activation protein, Cell surface protein HB15

  • Biotin : 0
  • Mouse : 0
  • 60 tests : 0
  • 9 µg in 300 µL : 0